Saturday, February 28, 2009

MADD for Ignition Locks

Motorists convicted of driving drunk had to install breath-monitoring gadgets in their cars under new laws that took effect in early January 2009.

The ignition interlocks prevent engines from starting until drivers blow into the alcohol detectors to prove they're sober.

Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Nebraska and Washington state began enforcing the law on Jan. 1 requiring the devices for all motorists convicted of first-time drunken driving. South Carolina began requiring them for repeat offenders.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has been conducting a nationwide campaign to mandate ignition locks for anyone convicted of drunken driving, claiming doing so would save thousands of lives.

Other states with similar laws include New Mexico, Arizona and Louisiana.

Proponents of interlock laws say studies back their approach. They cite a 2008 study by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation that found that in New Mexico, the first state to mandate the use of interlock devices in 2005,  it has helped decrease repeat offenses by approximately two-thirds.

MADD also points to figures showing one-third of all drunken drivers have a prior DUI conviction.

Not everyone is as enthusiastic. One of the staunchest critics of interlock laws for first-time offenders is the Washington-based American Beverage Institute, a trade association representing restaurants and retailers.

ABI managing director Sarah Longwell said the group backs interlock laws targeting repeat offenders and those arrested with high blood-alcohol levels.

But she said laws advocated by MADD don't allow judges to distinguish between those who have a few drinks and go just over the 0.08 blood-alcohol legal limit and those who go way over.

"We want sensible alcohol policies," she said. "We want 10 people to be able to come in and have one drink and not one person to come in and have 10."

She said current interlock laws could lead to more draconian measures.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire- what makes it click?

The 81st Academy Awards were watched by a record number of Indians across the globe. The reason was a two-letter word- Slumdog Millionaire

The film was made by the British director Danny Boyle and funded by an European company, but it is a film about India, and the Indian connections are so strong, that most people consider Slumdog to be an Indian film. The story, Q&A, was written by an Indian, Vikas Swarup, it was filmed completely in Mumbai, India, the characters and cast are all Indian, and many of the crew members are Indian. Three Indians - A. R. Rehman, Gulzar and Resul Pookutty, have won individual Academy Honors. The film went on to win 8 out of the 10 Oscar nominations including Best Music, Best Director and Best film, and although there were no Best Actor or Best Supporting actor nominations, the lead actors Dev Patel and Freida Pinto are now household names, and their younger counterparts, some actual residents of Indian slums, have won the hearts of millions across the globe with their very authentic, fearless portrayal of the characters.

The film has sparked some negative reactions in India, where many, including high-profile film director Priyadarshan and popular actress Preity Zinta have slammed it- their outrage primarily centered around concerns of capitalizing India's poverty. Many other Indians seem to agree- they are concerned, that at a time when India has attained such a high profile with enormous progress in every field and consistent economic growth, negative images such as those portrayed in the film would smear the “India Shining” image. Despite all those apprehensions however, as a non-resident Indian based in the USA, I am experiencing first hand that most of the Western audience here seems to have gleaned the real message which this film attempts to deliver, and they do not appear to be dwelling just on the extreme poverty and squalor that this film has portrayed in graphic details.

How come? Bollywood churns out nearly 1,000 mainstream films every year, some of them extraordinarily well-made, and several of them with rags-to-riches themes, but somehow it fails to resonate with Western audiences. Then how did this movie strike such deep chords in the hearts of the Western audience?

My opinion is that the honesty in this movie has hit a homerun in the minds of people around the world. A large part of the movie was filmed in Mumbai’s "Dharavi", the biggest slum in all of Asia- thousands on Indians live in slums, and still succeed- that is the truth, the reality, and this film sort of tells the world, “Look, we have nothing to hide- come see our spirit, and love us for who we are”. Because it was so openly, honestly, portrayed, it appeared that India had the confidence to rise above the concerns of exposing the dirty laundry to the world, and in my opinion this played a huge role towards enabling the Western audience to look beyond the abject poverty, mobs, corruption, religion-induced riots, the horrific child abuse, and focus on the actual message in the movie- one of optimism, hope, the struggle to survive against all odds, and the unyielding love for people that we truly care for.

On a personal note, this film has taught me a wonderful lesson. Although I loved the movie, I have to admit that owing to my lifelong inhibitions with “bathroom scenes” in movies, I initially found the "boy jumping into the well of poop" scene utterly disgusting, and assumed that my American friends too would be repulsed by it. However, my co-worker Kelly influenced a change in my heart when she said “I actually thought it was fantastic that the boy was willing to think outside the box to get his picture signed no matter what- even if it meant doing something completely gross”.

The true success of a movie of this stature is not in how many awards it ends up winning, nor how much it grosses at the box office ($50 Million so far) - the true mark of success will be in whether or not it becomes a catalyst in driving progessive thinking. Judging by responses of average citizens globally, there is every indication so far, that this movie might indeed become successful at achieving that goal.

Jai ho!

Interpreting Math test scores

For the longest time, people have pondered on the huge gap between Math scores of Asian children and their Western counterparts, especially those in America. What is it that makes the average Asian child so much better at Math? It is Genes? Geography? Climate? Diet? Culture?

Now Malcolm Gladwell has presented a revolutionary idea in his new book, "Outliers". His theory is that the answer lies in the difference between the numbering systems.

The Asian system of numbering is simple, transparent and intuitive, while the Western numbering system is irregular and confusing. For example, for numbers above twenty, we put the decade first and the unit number second (twenty-one, twenty-two), whereas for teens, we say the unit number first and then the tens (sixteen, seventeen). Even with that there is a huge inconsistency. We say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, but not one-teen, two-teen, three-teen or five-teen- it is eleven, twelve, thirteen and fifteen. We say forty and sixty, where the words sound exactly like four and six, but then we do not say five-ty and two-ty- it is fifty and twenty. A child takes time to grasp all these inconsistencies, which begins their struggle with fundamental Math skills.

In China, Japan and Korea, the counting system is far more logical. 11 is ten-one, 12 is ten-two, 21 is two-tens-one and so on. Consistent, simple, easy to understand and easy to remember.

Mr. Gladwell theorizes that he regularity of the number system enables Asian children to do basic math functions much quicker in their heads. When an English speaking child is asked to add thirty-seven plus twenty-two, she converts the words to numbers in her head: 37+22, and then adds, to get 59. For an Asian child however, it is adding three-tens-seven and two-tens-two, and the necessary equation is right there, embedded in the sentence. No number translation is necessary- the answer if five-tens-nine, or 59.

Interesting theory. However I was surprised that Mr. Gladwell has limited his study of Asian students to China, Japan and Korea. What about India? It is no secret that the Indian kids routinely outperform their Western counterparts everywhere in the world in Math. Yet Indian children use the English counting system. I wonder how Mr. Gladwell would explain that discrepancy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Millennials in the workforce

Recently I’ve been having many conversations with co-workers about the newest members of our workforce. We know them as Gen Y, Generation Next or Millennials. Born between 1980 and 1994, they dress unconventionally, behave unconventionally and have very unconventional expectations from the workplace.

They do not hesitate to express their opinion on any issue; they’re critical thinkers, and inclined to question everything. Their knack for independent thinking stems from the fact that their parents valued their opinions throughout their childhood and gave them choices, rather than making decisions for them. They do not place much emphasis on how and when the work gets done, just that it gets done, and are therefore likely to demand flexibility of work hours (some say they work best between 9 PM and 3 AM) and work locations. They work to live, not live to work, seek out careers that allow them to live the life they want, and are prone to switch back and forth between career, travel and education. They are amazingly at ease with a wide array of technology tools, and while they work well with collaborative leaders, they seem to suffer under more traditional, authoritarian leadership styles.

Millennials work best with short timelines, expect instant gratification, and often have a hard time accepting criticism in the workplace. Products of self-esteem-parenting, they are used to possessing unwavering confidence in their intellect and talent.

Many mature workers are confused, even irritated by these iPod-carrying, pants-sagging, gum-chewing new entrants to the corporate workforce. However, given that many of our new hires will come out of the Millennial pool, it is key to ask,
how can we utilize their uniqueness to an advantage?

Are we praising our kids TOO much?

Are we hurting our children by praising them TOO much? How much is TOO much?

I grew up in a family where when I got a 95/100 in a test, my parents were pleased, but also asked where I had lost the 5 points. There was never excessive praise, and I had a sense of real achievement when I earned it . Today however, I see a paradigm shift in the way in which parents praise their children. A friend said the other day, that this is a "Good job Sara", "Attaboy Joey" generation- the smallest acts (not necessarily achievements) are praised...

Why do parents praise their children?

Many parents believe that building self-esteem should be the cornerstone of education. If children build up self-esteem and start believing in themselves, achievement will naturally follow. But confidence doesn’t always produce better students. In 2007 there was a study in which eighth graders in Korea and the United States were asked whether they were good at math. Among the American students, 39 percent said they were excellent at math, compared to just 6 percent of the Korean eighth graders. But the reality was somewhat different. The Korean kids scored far better in math than the over-confident American students. “Self-esteem is based on real accomplishments,” says Robert Brooks, faculty psychologist at Harvard Medical School. “It’s all about letting kids shine in a realistic way.”

The downside of too much praise is that kids may start to focus on the reward rather than what they are learning. Worse, failure can be devastating and confusing for a student whose confidence is based on an inflated ego, rather than actual abilities and achievements.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Domestic Violence

I often volunteer my time with a Non-Profit organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, named Coburn Place ( Coburn is unique, because it offers transitional housing facility to women and children, who have been victims of domestic abuse. Coburn not only provides a safe haven, but also nurtures the families that have been deeply hurt and traumatized, and teaches them life skills. 

What has surprised me very much, is that domestic violence is not limited to any particular race, economic status, economic or education level. I would have believed the first categories easily, but I would not have guessed that domestic violence exists even amongst the educated class. I was quite stunned to learn that one of the current residents went to Columbia University, and that one of the past residents was a physician.

I also learnt that domestic violence is not always physical- It can be verbal or emotional. I heard a story of a man who had broken his female partner's nose during a heated argument. During subsequent arguments, he never touched her again, just touched his nose, as  a gesture of possible consequences, in the event of further argument.

An abuser often maintains his emotional/financial/physical stronghold over the abused, and very few women are able to break out of abusive relationships on time. They keep enduring hardships, often out of concern for their children, and at other times with the hope that "things will work out".  

In "A Thousand Splendid Suns", a novel based in Afghanistan, Khaled Hosseini has written the story of the most horrific physical and mental abuse of the main characters, Miriam and Laila, by their husband, Rasheed. They have nowhere to go, no place to seek help, absolutely no support system, and therefore no option but to endure the severe abuse, day after day, year after year. I am grateful that places like Coburn exist in the United States, and that women who have lost valuable times in their lives to barbaric inhumanity, get another chance, another opportunity to pick up their lives and move on.

The God of Small Things

Relationships hold a very special place in my heart. The love, caring and passion associated with caring about others, as well as the knowledge that there are people out there who deeply care about me, continue to be huge enablers in my life. 

Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things" , an intricately woven non-linear story that explores the complexities of relationships, has launched me into a journey of inner exploration...

Am I able to connect the dots between my intellect and emotions? Do my small wins and losses mirror the big successes or failures? Do I appreciate enough, the many small gifts and pleasures of life? Am I grateful enough to "the God of small things"?

The setting of the book is a small village in Kerala, India, and the protagonists are the 7 year old fraternal twins- Estha and Rahel. Their mother, Ammu, divorced, rebellious, has an affair with an untouchable man- a Paravan- named Velutha. Ammu's brother Chacko, an Oxford scholar turned business man who manages his mother's pickle factory in the village, invites his ex-wife Margaret and daughter Sophie from London, to spend Christmas with them. However, Ammu's affair is discovered and while she is locked away in punishment, her twins decide to run away. Sophie joins them. The boat in which the children decide to run away, capsizes, and the twins, experts at navigating the Kerala backwaters, survive, but Sophie does not. She drowns and dies. Velutha is blamed, captured and killed, the twins are separated and each, in their own way, endure a disastrous youth. The pickle factory dissolves, and the family slowly but surely disintegrates. 24 years later, the twins meet again in the village, re-discover each other and find inner peace.

The book, which went on to win the Booker prize, had kicked up quite a storm in India when it was first published in 1997- many considered it politically charged (the Communist party of Kerala has a strong influence on the story), while others were morally upset by the shocking details of unacceptable physical relations- those transcending the barriers between "touchables" and un-touchables", and the incest. The real beauty of this book however, woven deep into the layers of prose that has almost peotic beauty,  is in the realization that a myriad of emotions, such as love, hate, despair, and hope co-exist in real life.

Return on Happiness (ROH)

I had an animated discussion with two of my peers yesterday. 

What is the importance of happiness in the workplace?

Recently, all three of us attended and actively participated in a POSITIVE LEADERSHIP workshop that our workplace offered. The facilitators (Joanna Brandi and Karen Pfeffer)offered many interesting statistics on the importance of positive outlook, happy thoughts, learned optimism, etc. Among references to several other pieces of very compelling research, they mentioned that Tal Ben Sahar's "Happiness" course, is THE most popular course at Harvard. I later Googled and confirmed that this is a true fact.

I wasn't sure whether to be impressed or stunned. People have to go to Harvard to learn about Happiness? It is no longer a basic instinct?

The happiness related statistics have however added credibility to my innate beliefs- people perform better when they are happy. However, my peers questioned, "Are happy employees simply nice-to-have, or is there is a direct correlation between the happiness of employees and the company bottomline? Can the benefits of happiness be measured?"

Is there really such a thing as Return on Happiness?